Pingates Hazard Hunter: knowledge


Showing posts with label knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knowledge. Show all posts

Monday, September 3, 2012

How to Stop Worrying

Expectations. We go through this every single day ever since we come out of our mother's womb. 
Ever since then we grew up with what ifs and what woulds.

This fear will eventually manifest, because we are attracting them.

There is really no words, pictures, or speeches that can pull you out of anxiety if you choose to hear, see and talk about the negativity that surrounds you. How can a doctor cure you, if you are deaf to all treatment?

Things to start living by to kill worry:
  1. Be really open minded, as I always like to say, a white piece of paper. You may know tonnes of stuff, because people around you have scarred, colored and painted your piece of paper, but TRY to keep i white when you learn. 
  2. Be receptive. New ideas and solutions come from people who are thinking. If you're not being receptive about it, don't condemn the others to see things your way. 
  3. Keep yourself occupied. Being busy keeps your mind away from worry. This little secret shouldn't be a secret at all.  Have a GOAL. A realistic one.
  4. Don't have expectations. Especially with people; humans are born ungrateful, egoistic and selfish. We should never place these expectations on others that we ourselves are enslaved to. 
  5. Keep praying. This is the only way, you are connected spiritually. Pray to whatever beings that you call Creator. 
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Friday, June 1, 2012

National Acheiver's Congress

Recently, I attended a congress held at the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The event left me with awe every night I returned home. A mind blasting 3 days by awesome speakers particularly:
  • Kim Kiyosaki
  • Steve Clements
  • Bill Walsh
  • Jeff and Kane
  • Nik Halik
  • Deborah Torres Patel
  • Jaz Lai
  • Rohan Weerasinghe 
  • Eve Michaels
  • Marcus de Maria
  • Krish Dhanam
  • Rick Belluzo
  • Nishant Kasibhatla
  • Dr. Sundardas
  • Blaine and Honey Parker
Each of them brought new enlightenment and understanding as to what passion and wealth really is. Creating wealth is never the same as finding money. This congress changed my life forever and I am more than determined to apply what they have thought and share it with the world. One small step from you will be one big achievement for me.

Over the course of the next few months, I will begin another journey in my life to seek self improvement, motivating others to do the same; and when the time is right I aim to stay in servitude; sharing what I have learnt to all of you and the world.

Any feedback is always well appreciated.

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Time to learn or earn?

When is the best time to learn? Well I would say throughout your entire lifetime. But to be more SPECIFIC, the best age to gear up with knowledge would be during your teenage years.

A teenager would pick up thoughts and ideas relatively fast as compared to a young adult. These soon turn into principals which will guide his or her path throughout their lives. It is true that people change with time, but principals that reap an abundance would not easily be swayed with passing time. 

How can this be proven true? Why, don't we often hear the majority ranting about how they wish they could do it all over again? 

So this post would be specifically dedicated to all you teen readers out there.

  1. 13-15 years old : You are beginning to undergo emotional changes that may bring about the rebel in you. This will be a good time to discover your true tendencies towards a field you will venture to in the future.
  2. 16-21 years old. You have turned into an adult. Making decisions of your own, you should know that with each step there are consequences that hold you accountable. Fear not of failures but learn from them. Don't regret your circumstances but instead turn the tables around and make things work out for you.
  3. 22-26 years old. You have achieved and lost your fair share. Do not sway from your original goals. Continue to learn and most importantly practice them as often as you can. Keep learning to earn. 
  4. Now your an adult: SO TIME TO EARN back those 'learning investments' that you spent a quarter of your life at!

Desire harbor thoughts, thoughts manifest in actions ~ J.Hunstman   

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Nurturing a Leader

Hi there, it has been ages since I updated my blog. Been doing some soul searching and having a few weeks of break from all the hustle and bustle. Anyway, in this post I will talk about the importance of creating a leader right from the very age of 5.

Troy Dunn, the author of Young Bucks, made me realize that a child's mind is rich and vast, unbounded by imaginative restrictions. What adults fail to realize and often repeat is that they undermine their child's capability. How often do we entrust our 5 year old with washing their own dishes? Are we providing too much comfort that they grow accustomed to it and in later stages depend on these "luxuries" that we provide?

Parents must act as pillars of strength and inspiration that children will look up to and imitate. Gradually entrust your child with responsibilities instead of providing for them. They will come to thank you later. As adults we want our children to go further in life than what we have achieved in ours. We want to see them shine; our grandsons and granddaughters to thrive. All these cannot happen overnight but through patient and gradual training throughout their entire life. Parents will act as supporting frames because they have walked through the stages of childhood and adolescence. They are aware of how merciless the world can be if one is not prepared to face it.

  1. Firstly, give your child the "gift of eagerness". Take steps necessary to promote this quality in your child. Do this by asking questions and have conversations that build up this "gift". When a child wants something so badly, he or she will begin to ask you for it. 
  2. And at this crucial moment don't jump the gun and give it to them, but instead, observe and wait for the right moment to suggest ways that they could earn it. To accomplish this never ever provide them with allowances. This will only make them be more dependent on you, and when they can wait no longer, they tend to ask for "bonus allowances" that allows them to achieve their goals faster. 
  3. Then, offer suggestions as to what kind of activities that can allow them to generate their own income. This must be done with accordance to which skill set they are inclined to. Never ask your child to set forth on something that he or she does not feel like doing. And never suppress a skill or hobby that he or she is good at no matter how ridiculous it may seem to you. In their eyes, its something worth doing. And by supporting them, they will go further in life because happiness dictates achievements
  4. Have regular checkups on your child and always discuss the ups and downs of their pursuits. They will be subjected to pitfalls but it is all in the learning process of become a leader. 

A leader could be just living under your roof, with proper guidance and support will turn out to be your own greatest achievement yet ~ J. Hunstman. 

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How do you define Education?

Going through about a quarter of your life, enduring the wrath of examinations that seem endless, regurgitating knowledge facts that make you sound almost robotic; all for the sake of securing a job in the current competitive market. That is what the current generation of young adults and future children will face. 

What has become of the true meaning of education? Pause all your pursuits of facts and think for a moment, is this the real meaning of being educated?

Henry Ford during WW1, a Chicago Newspaper published several editorials that among other statements, called Henry an "ignorant pacifist". A law suit was brought upon the paper for libeling him. Attorneys were trying hard to prove that while Henry possessed a fair amount of specialized knowledge he was in fact an ignorant man. Henry was bombarded with questions pertaining to history and current happenings and finally when he was particularly tired of being subjected to offensive interrogation, he finally said:
"If I should really want to answer the foolish question you have just asked, or any other of the other questions you have been asking me, let me remind you that I have a row of electric push buttons on my desk, and by pushing the right button, I can summon to my aid men who can answer any question I desire to ask concerning the business to which I am devoting most of my efforts. Now, will you kindly tell me, why should I clutter up my mind with general knowledge for the purpose of being able to answer questions, when I have men around me who can supply any knowledge I require?"
Henry Ford knew the true meaning of being educated. He organized and channeled his knowledge in the direction most beneficial to himself; never for the sake of pleasing others, never for the sake of passing examinations, and most of all not to prove that he was better at memorizing factual data. 

Find your true calling and be devoted to a life long learning. 
Don't let ego and challenges cloud your way. 
When circumstances prevent you from achieving the life you want, be prepared to make drastic choices that will turn your life around. 
Keep your goals in mind and they will magnetize themselves around you. 

PS: The blog interface will be updated from time to time. Hope you guys like the new UI.
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Friday, December 2, 2011

Be on top of The Pyramid!

Imhotep pioneered the construction of pyramids in the early days. Pyramids were fashioned to mimic the royal palace and served as a burial chamber for the Pharaoh. Such architecture demanded strong desires and while the construction of the pyramid went through ups and downs, The Great Pyramid was the legacy of the ancient Egyptians to the world.

The society literally lives in a system of pyramids. The rich and powerful are always on top of this self-manifesting system. Robert Kiyosaki once said, "I have a problem with too much money. I can't reinvest it fast enough, and because I reinvest it, more money comes in. Yes, the rich do get richer". The individuals of this class have set their goals right. Challenging themselves to push their extra mile. And No, if your thinking AGE is a factor your obviously lacking some qualities to be in this upper class, The Influential Zone.

Individuals grow accustomed to their own class in this pyramid. Eventually this gave birth to the whole idea of 'The Comfort Zone'. People of this zone have yet to challenge themselves and push their limits. As I've mentioned before the human thought is a powerful tool that man(woman) often overseas. Clouded by the comfortable environment and coy surroundings, one tends to fall astray.

When people are lame, they love to blame
~Robert T Kiyosaki~

Don't allow yourselves to fall deeper down the pyramid, The Olympics Zone. Here you find individuals running a race. A race that goes on and on, UNLESS they finally come to realize that they are capable of far more greater achievements than they already had.

When your at your lowest, find ways to motivate, challenge and also most importantly reward yourselves. I leave you readers with a simple choice to make,

Do you want to be in the [I], [C], or [D]?

*[I], [C], or [D] can stand for many things but in my dictionary it stands for Ignited, Clouded and Dead. Make up your own definition and stay [I] gnited.

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Desire; is it eagerness or an infatuation?

Desire. A simple word that could mean the world; a powerful thought that when it manifests physically could change the entire course of your life.

"An intangible impulse of thought can be transmuted into its physical counterpart by the application of known principles" ~ Napoleon Hill

Infatuations are often mixed up with genuine desires. During my course of life, I've met :
  • realists who do everything they can to achieve greatness in life.
  • the idle community who are trapped in the rat race.
  • the enthusiasts but without opportunity.
Desire should be a genuine eagerness to achieve what we've hoped for. Be it for ourselves, the people around us, the community or the nation. As long as you start with these simple words:

I want to ...

Don't ever start of with I need to. When the mind sees a desire as a need, the enthusiasm to achieve it declines and most probably diminishes. A need enslaves your personality to get the best life has to offer. We have choices and are held responsible for our actions. If you are not working towards a better life, then you have yourselves to blame.

Lets start by asking yourself these simple questions:
  1. What do I want to achieve in life? (name it and be precise; i.e be it a materialistic desire or character development)
  2. Am I doing something to achieve your dream with each passing day? If your answer is NO, then your desires are just infatuations. Don't bother having those dreams, as you are not really enthusiastic about them.
  3. If your answer is YES, you are one step closer to achieving them. Never back down on your desires.
  4. How can I do better on a daily basis into achieving these dreams? Draw up an action plan with the title: MY STATEMENT OF DESIRE
  5. Am I ready to take the next bold move in life to honour my statement, live by it and never thrown in the towel?
I leave you to ponder on these questions and decide are your desires created from pure eagerness or was it all just an infatuation soon to be forgotten and fretted upon?
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