Pingates Hazard Hunter: Seeing is Not Believing


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Seeing is Not Believing

People used to say they wouldn't believe something was real until they see it for themselves. But what happens if the difference is so minute and scarce that you have to play a spot the difference game? 
Well unless you are equipped with the proper knowledge of what genuine is, you wouldn't know you are being duped. 

can you tell the 6 differences in the picture above?

Being genuine has far more benefits than an imitation. This applies to all aspects in life; not just physical manifestations. 

Don't all of us fall for the tendency of having someone to be there beneficially? We know that each individual have strengths to which we could exploit with less effort. We know what they are capable of and that is why we make sure they stay attached very closely. Its near impossible to find someone genuinely interested in you these days when the world has turned into a cat eat mouse scenario. 

"We are interested in others when they are interested in us"  ~ Publilius Syrus
Giving some thought on what old Syrus has to say. Think of the small conversations that you have with acquaintances. Everyone will put themselves first before all others because its human nature. We were born to adapt and therefore not knowingly commit a sin of excess when making decisions. 

Nobody rejects a spare but always questions the scant ~ J. Hunstman 

Strive to lead a life of sincerity and abundance will come so discretely you will not notice it. Be a genuine person to yourself, family, friends and ultimately your Creator. Remember these "SELF LEARNING METHODS", and perhaps you will find more sincere people surrounding your world. 

  1. Smile.
  2. Listen.
  3. Make others feel important in a genuine way. 

I bid you a Happy New Year and may 2012 steer itself into sincere happiness that come in abundance for all you readers out there!
PS: sorry I have not been updating my post, pretty preoccupied with unavoidable matters. Till the next time..